Hello Fellow Adventurers,
Now we all know that it is fun to travel and adventure; however, there are some expectations that we should have for the well-being of our class.
- Respect yourself and others: Show respect for the teacher, yourself and others at all times. Respect others’ property. Avoid touching or writing on anything that does not belong to you (including desks, textbooks, teacher’s belongings, walls, chalkboard, etc.). Don't expect that others will clean-up your messes.
- Arriving on time: To keep the classroom running smoothly, everyone needs to be on time and ready to start class. Students outside the door and rushing in after the bell has begun to ring will be considered tardy. You must be in your seat when the bell rings to be counted present.
- Using proper speech: No foul language is allowed in our classroom. We are in a safe space and in a respectful space, so let's keep it that way.
- Be prepared for class:
- Come prepared with all materials necessary
- Pencil or Pen
- Lined Paper (college ruled)
- US Map (will provided on the first day of class)
- A 2in Binder
- USB Flash Drive
- Computer (school owned)
- Pay attention, participate and ask questions: Engage in what is going on in the classroom. If you have a question, ask it! If you don't ask then, I won't find out what you are struggling with until after the test. There are no stupid questions, and chances are, if you are wondering about it, someone else in the class is to. Be proactive about your learning and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
I hope that we all understand how we keep our classroom. Set your goals and expectations high and we will be able to be successful. Let's keep the spirit and keep up the great work that I know you all can do!
Until next time fellow adventurers...
Ms. Rigano
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